The Fat Diminisher

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Tabata Training

You can do Tabata training with weights or simple body weight exercises. First, choose what type of exercise you will do. Start with a short preparation to get ready and alternate between work and rest periods for eight cycles. During the work period you should exercise as continuously and as rigorously as you can for the entire 20 second period. During the rest period stop exercise, catch your breath, and get ready for the next work period. Repeat this for eight cycles. Tips: Do Tabata Training in the morning to raise your metabolism, and burn more fat throughout the day. Alternate exercises if you wish to give your work out a variety. For example, maybe you do squats on work period 1, and then on work period 2 you do jumping jacks, and you alternate between the two. Find a good Tabata timer., We recommend Tabata Workout MusicStart off light. Treat your first few Tabata workouts as practice and ease into your routine.